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Shaping iconic spaces around the world, like Musée d'Orsay in Paris

Renowned architect and designer Italo Rota passed away at 70

Italian architect and designer Italo Rota, a versatile figure whose impact reached far beyond Italy, passed away last Saturday, April 6th, leaving behind a legacy of innovative design and creative collaboration.

Born in Milan in 1953, Rota's journey in architecture began with his graduation from the Polytechnic University of Milan in 1982. However, his passion for the craft had also been ignited through training experiences with revered architects such as Franco Albini and Vittorio Gregotti.

Photo © Lachris77 |

One of Rota's notable contributions was his involvement in the establishment of the magazine Lotus International alongside architect Pierluigi Nicolin from 1976 to 1981. This early endeavor set the stage for Rota's future ventures in architectural innovation.

Throughout his illustrious career, Rota was instrumental in shaping iconic spaces around the world. His collaborations with acclaimed designers like Gae Aulenti resulted in groundbreaking projects such as the museum layout of the Musée d'Orsay in 1980 and the design of spaces within the Musée National d'Art Moderne at the Centre Pompidou.

Rota's influence extended beyond traditional architecture into urban planning, theatrical installations, and exhibition designs. His work on projects like the tribute exhibition for Christian Dior in Paris showcased his ability to merge architectural principles with artistic expression.

Returning to Italy in 1995, Rota continued to leave his mark on the architectural landscape. From media libraries and boutiques to hotels and pavilions, his portfolio encompassed a diverse range of projects that reflected his innovative approach to design.

In addition to his architectural endeavours, Rota made significant contributions to the field of design, collaborating with various companies to integrate objects seamlessly into architectural spaces.


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