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Saúl Villena from Spanish company iSiMAR:

'The expectations for the TOPOS collection with Zaha Hadid Architects across Europe are high'

The TOPOS collection, a collaborative creation between Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) and iSiMAR, epitomises the spirit of Mediterranean living. Named after the Greek word for place, TOPOS translates the essence of shared outdoor experiences into a unique furniture design. Inspired by the geographical concept of topography, this collection mirrors the natural curves and gradients of Mediterranean landscapes. Through the use of galvanised steel, the collection ensures durability and comfort, ideal for outdoor settings. As outdoor spaces gain newfound appreciation post-pandemic, TOPOS is set to meet the high expectations of European markets, blending innovative design with robust materiality.

We spoke with Saúl Villena, business developer Germany for iSiMAR about the collection.

At the left: CEO iSiMAR with Victor Orive designer from Zaha in the middle and Manon Janssens on the right (associate director).

What inspired the TOPOS collection?
'Named after the Greek word for place, TOPOS evokes moments shared with family and friends by the sea, near a pool, or under a canopy of pine trees. This collection captures the essence of these cherished outdoor experiences in a unique furniture design. Drawing inspiration from the geographical concept of topography, the collection translates the contour lines of maps into industrial design.'

How does the TOPOS collection reflect Mediterranean living?
'The TOPOS collection reflects Mediterranean living through its design and materials. It embodies the leisurely and communal spirit of the Mediterranean lifestyle, where time is spent outdoors enjoying the company of loved ones. The collection's design evokes the natural curves and gradients of Mediterranean landscapes, symbolising the region's valleys and hills. The use of galvanised steel ensures durability and longevity in outdoor settings, making it perfect for the Mediterranean climate. The collection's ergonomic design, combined with its robust materiality, ensures comfort and resilience, essential for outdoor living.'

How does the collaboration between Zaha Hadid Architects and iSiMAR contribute to the creation of the TOPOS collection?
'The collaboration between Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) and iSiMAR is pivotal to the creation of the TOPOS collection. The partnership began when a designer from ZHA fell in love with iSiMAR's material—galvanised steel rod—admiring its moldability and creative potential. This collaboration marries ZHA's commitment to contemporary living and innovative design with iSiMAR's industrial expertise and sustainable material use. The result is a collection that is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally robust, perfectly encapsulating the synergy between cutting-edge architectural design and practical material application.'

The outdoor furniture companies in Spain are expanding fast in Central Europe. Can you explain why?
'The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a greater appreciation for outdoor spaces, as people seek to spend more time outside. Spanish companies like iSiMAR are meeting this demand by providing high-quality, durable, and stylish outdoor furniture. Our expertise in contemporary and sustainable design helps create inviting outdoor areas, aligning perfectly with the newfound value placed on outdoor living, driving our growth in Central Europe.'

What are the expectations about this collection in the whole of Europe?
'The expectations for the TOPOS collection across Europe are high. The unique design, inspired by Mediterranean landscapes and lifestyles, is anticipated to appeal to a broad audience seeking stylish and durable outdoor furniture. The collaboration with Zaha Hadid Architects adds a prestigious element to the collection, further enhancing its desirability. The collaboration with Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA), a renowned architectural firm, brings unique, innovative design to a broader audience at an accessible price. This partnership combines ZHA's extensive experience and cutting-edge design expertise with iSiMAR's commitment to quality and sustainability.'

More information:
[email protected]