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UK furniture prices ease in April

Furniture prices dropped in April as overall inflation in the UK fell to its lowest level in three years.


According to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) increased by 2.3% in the 12 months leading up to April 2024, down from a 3.2% rise in the year to March. On a monthly basis, CPI rose by 0.3% in April 2024, compared to a 1.2% increase in April 2023.

Prices for furniture and furnishings decreased by 3.1% in April, following a 2.3% decline in March, and contrasting with an 8.3% increase in the same month last year.

The retail price of household furniture fell by 2.9% in April, following a 2.4% decrease, and down from an 8.6% rise last year.

Garden furniture prices plummeted by 23.4%, down from a 0.7% decline last month and a 4.5% increase in the previous year.

Prices for carpets and other floor coverings rose by 1.7%, down from 2.5% the previous month and lower than the 9% increase last year.

Other household textile prices, including furnishing fabrics, curtains, and bedding, increased by 0.5%, down from 1.9% the previous month, and from a 6.4% rise last year.


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