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Klarna refunds millions to clients

Klarna has reportedly refunded millions to clients, after the service was used as a payment option on several scam sites, and other unscrupulous actors, posing as legitimate online retailers to deceive consumers out of money. Klarna was subsequently criticised for not handling complaints properly in connection with complaints about these actors.


In response to this, the company's management has launched a series of measures to address the problems. In addition, previous complaints that were rejected will be reconsidered.

One of the measures adopted is to refund clients. The refunds will be automatic and without consumers needing to contact Klarna themselves. The company also clarified in a press release that among the measures highlighted, they will, for example, have a warning message at checkout for Klarna-affiliated merchants that have not been verified by Klarna.

Scam sites that deceive people out of money are a growing problem for the entire industry but also for society at large, and their methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated. David Fock, product manager for Klarna, says in an article on Ehandel that the company has a reponsibility which they take very seriously.

They will also scrutinise complaints against unverified merchants more critically and improve the monitoring of stores.


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