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Timber industry takes a stand in Poland with loud protest

The Polish city Białystok witnessed a fervent protest led by the timber industry, denouncing recent government measures that threaten their livelihoods. Yesterday, on April 16, 2024, hundreds of demonstrators, clad in reflective vests adorned with the emblem of the Timber Industry Protest organisation, gathered in front of the Aleksander Węgierki Dramatic Theatre to voice their discontent.

The protest, organised by the Timber Industry Protest group, marked a unified stance against a recent directive imposed by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. This directive, issued on January 8, 2024, under the leadership of Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska, imposes severe restrictions on logging and timber harvesting activities, particularly affecting the operations of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Białystok.


Dariusz Wysocki, the head of the Timber Industry Services Plant in Supraśl and lead organiser of the protest, emphasised the critical nature of the demonstration. He underscored the importance of rational forest management practices and the profound impact of the government's decision on local communities and the timber industry's sustainability.

Amidst speeches and impassioned pleas for action, protesters distributed leaflets outlining their grievances and warning of the impending collapse of the timber industry. The call for meaningful engagement and consultation with industry stakeholders resonated throughout the demonstration, as participants urged policymakers to consider the human impact of their decisions.


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