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The resurgence of modular sofas: meeting modern challenges

Modular sofas are making a powerful comeback, serving as versatile, practical solutions in today's living spaces. Their success is fuelled by three crucial factors: the need for optimised space, a revival of '70s aesthetics, and the ongoing struggle for stable, affordable housing, according to EL PAÍS.

Photo © Follow The Flow |

These sofas offer a functional answer to changing living needs, catering to the demands of remote work and adaptable leisure spaces triggered by the pandemic. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest reflect this shift, becoming hubs for flexible and aesthetic design ideas.

The return of '70s design aesthetics also influences contemporary tastes, offering a calming and cozy vibe through wood finishes, muted greens, and relaxation-focused furniture. Experimental '70s modular sofa designs, while unique, emphasised functionality and the living room's pivotal role, much like the aspirations of today's homes.

Moreover, the modern lifestyle's mobility has amplified the demand for adaptable furniture. Modular sofas promise versatility and easy transport, catering to changing living conditions and compact spaces. As rental spaces shrink and costs rise, furniture choices reflect these economic realities. Modular sofas offer adaptable solutions for small homes, fitting both single individuals and larger households in minimal, multifunctional setups.


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