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The Ambiente Trends: key styles and themes for 2024

As a well proven institution, the Ambiente Trends present the key styles and themes that will decisively determine the coming season. With their unerring statements, they serve as a reliable compass through the world of consumer goods, especially for the international trade. But how do manufacturers and designers use the Ambiente Trends for their work? Ambiente asked two brands that are known for their contemporary and authentic collections: Broste Copenhagen and Klatt Objects.

Craftsmanship forms the centre of the Ambiente Trends 24+. As a major counter-movement to advancing digitalisation, it unfolds its many facets in three key styles: Aura of Progress: visionary + elemental, Quality of Silence: pure + familiar, and Spirit of Craft: bold + poetical. The Ambiente Trends are determined independently by the internationally renowned trend bureau bora.herke.palmisano, which translates the relevant design trends for the Ambiente product areas Dining, Living, Giving and Working.

A special highlight during Ambiente is a presentation that brings the respective trends with the exhibitors’ products to life in inspiring showcases. Detlef Klatt, founder of the Klatt Objects brand, really appreciates the way the products are put together: 'Trend bureau bora.herke.palmisano shows in a wonderfully vivid way how the latest trends can be realised. If my customers weren’t already there at the trade fair, I recommend that they come here for inspiration on the current themes – like a recipe, you could say. It’s very enriching.'

Kristina Dam takes a similar view: As Brand & Design Director at Broste Copenhagen, she is responsible for the creative direction and product design of the Danish brand. 'The trend presentation provides a wonderful template for how products can be presented. I particularly appreciate the fact that visitors discover new collections that suit us. It’s like a lift for our brand,' explains Dam.

Design straight from the heart
When it comes to the actual development of their collections, Dam and Klatt are less guided by external trend forecasts. The Danish designer explains why: 'Of course I look at what’s happening in the design world or on social channels. But essentially, I concentrate on the feelings and impressions I get from my own research and travels. I then realise these with our team. That’s why the design for Broste Copenhagen – if you can put it that way – comes straight from our hearts. That makes it very authentic,' explains Dam. This approach is also reflected in the upcoming collection: '2024 is all about the light, southern lifestyle that I experienced in South America. We have captured these positive memories in new patterns that form an exciting symbiosis with our Scandinavian roots.' Incidentally, she develops her collections around one and a half to two years before they are shown at Ambiente. 'That’s a long lead time, so it’s always interesting for us to see to what extent our new products are in line with the current trends.'

Looking at the big picture
Detlef Klatt works much closer to the trade fair date in his product development. He produces his own handmade designs in small factories in the Philippines, which makes him agile: 'I usually develop very close to Ambiente. This not only gives me the opportunity to select the series that I submit for the trend presentation, but I can also expand my current collection in line with the latest trends if necessary. It’s a great effect when my customers come from the trend presentation and I can show them additional new products.' He uses the big trend reports less as a genuine source of information: 'My inspiration is very personal and comes from nature, from my travels and from Japan, which was a kind of second home for me for many years. In addition, the many years of very close collaboration with the manufacturers, artists and craftspeople in the Philippines always leads to completely new creations,' reports the designer.

Like Kristina Dam, Detlef Klatt also appreciates the true value of the Ambiente Trends in terms of the big picture: 'They are a good confirmation of whether I am on the right track as far as the general trends are concerned.' He often sees himself confirmed, but sometimes interesting new aspects also arise – especially from the further development of longer-term trends. 'One example is the objective motif, which is visibly pervasive and has inspired me to pay more attention to this area.' The results include the Calix series and the Rhizom vase, which has been honoured with the German Design Award 2024.

Source: Ambiente Blog

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