Geberit Group, a manufacturer of sanitary systems, holds a patent and design right for the "Sigma 01" control plate. Voordelig Design Sanitair (VDS) had been offering similar control plates labelled "for Sigma01" since early 2024, thereby infringing these rights. Although VDS removed the product from its website after an injunction, the offer remained visible via Google Links and Pinterest. The preliminary injunction court banned VDS from further infringing the patent and also granted ancillary claims.
The Geberit Group, which specialises in sanitary systems, won a court case against Voordelig Design Sanitair (VDS) for infringing their patent and design rights. VDS offered control plates under the name "Sigma01 control plate for Sigma," which infringed Geberit's EP2045405B1 patent and their Sigma 01 design. After a summons, VDS removed the products from their website, but the offers remained available via Google Links and Pinterest. The court has now banned VDS from further infringement and ordered it to provide information about the infringing products, recall and destroy them, as well as pay the litigation costs of €10,000.
Read the full ruling here.