Sealy, a prominent bed and mattress manufacturer, has undertaken an extensive Global Sleep Census, surveying 20,000 individuals worldwide. The primary objective of this study is to gather valuable insights into sleep patterns and difficulties people encounter. This is particularly interesting for the hospitality sector.
In the UK, a staggering 95% of respondents admitted to not waking up feeling adequately rested most mornings. Furthermore, when analysing sleep habits across various age groups, it was discovered that individuals aged 50 and above experience the fewest sleep disturbances (26%), whereas those aged between 35 and 49 struggle the most to fall asleep (35%), potentially due to demanding full-time jobs and responsibilities with young children.
Photo: Sealy UK.
These findings also carry significant implications for the hospitality sector, underlining the necessity of prioritising customers' sleep quality to enhance their overall well-being and satisfaction during their stay.
Julie Gray, Hospitality Manager at Sealy UK, has emphasised the significance of the findings, saying that by acknowledging the sleep challenges consumers face, venues can ensure they enhance guest satisfaction by offering an optimal sleep environment, ultimately fostering memorable experiences for every guest and, consequently, encouraging repeat stays.