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US consumers remain wary in spite of more positive outlook

US consumer confidence is showing signs of improvement, with the Consumer Confidence Index from The Conference Board rising in May. However, despite this increase, the Expectations Index remains below the recession-indicating threshold.


Although there was a slight increase in the Expectations Index to 74.6 from 68.8, it remains below 80, which typically signals a forthcoming recession.

The Present Situation Index, reflecting consumers' assessment of current business and labour market conditions, also saw a modest rise to 143.1 from April's 140.6. This was attributed to a more positive outlook on current labour market conditions.

Noteworthy statistics include:

- 20.3% of consumers considered business conditions 'good', slightly down from April's 20.8%.
- 17.6% perceived business conditions as 'bad', unchanged from the previous month.
- Consumers' assessment of the labour market improved slightly, with fewer respondents stating that jobs were 'hard to get' and a decrease in those viewing jobs as 'plentiful'.


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