Earlier this week, Chico van Hemert and Iwan van Es were delighted to receive the keys to the new facility in La Cavalerie. The launch of RetourMat in South Aveyron has garnered significant attention from regional authorities. During the key handover, Iwan discussed the plans and the importance of sustainable mattress recycling in the south of France. In attendance were Carole Delga, the regional president of La Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, responsible for economic and sustainable development, along with the economic development team AD'OCC, a regional council member, and the mayor of Millau, Emmanuelle Gazel.
'In the coming period, we aim to firmly establish RetourMat France on the map and create additional employment opportunities in the short term with 11 jobs at our French recycling site. From September, we anticipate having the mattress recycling facility operational, enabling us to commence the most sustainable recycling of mattresses into reusable materials in France. Within 3 years, it is our ambition to expand further, increasing both our workforce and recycling capacity,' stated RetourMat.
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