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Declining furniture production raises concerns in the Polish industry

As we move further into 2024, the furniture industry in Poland is grappling with significant challenges, particularly in the wake of declining production figures reported at the end of 2023. Statistics released by the Polish Central Statistical Office, Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) shed light on the ongoing struggles within the sector, raising questions about the awareness and preparedness of the industry players.

Photo © Velishchuk |

A recent GUS publication titled "Production of Major Industrial Products in December 2023" has highlighted substantial double-digit declines in furniture production. The end of 2023 witnessed a noticeable drop in the manufacturing of various furniture types, including wooden kitchen furniture, convertible seating to sleeping furniture, wooden framed seating furniture, and wooden furniture for dining or living rooms.

The statistics indicate that from January to December 2023, there was an overall decline in the production of 321 different furniture items, marking a challenging period for the industry. The GUS report further breaks down the declines, revealing significant reductions in the production of specific furniture categories, such as wooden kitchen furniture, which experienced a 15.0% decrease.

The repercussions extend beyond furniture manufacturing, affecting related sectors like Wood and Wood Products, as well as Paper and Paper Products. In December 2023, these sectors witnessed declines in the production of items like veneers, hardwood timber, composite wood panels, wooden floor materials, and more. Conversely, certain products, such as other plywood and veneer-faced panels made from softwood, experienced notable increases.

The declining trend in furniture production and related sectors raises concerns about the overall health of the industry. The GUS report underscores the varied dynamics in different branches, emphasising the need for a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by each segment.

As the industry navigates these challenges, it becomes crucial for stakeholders to remain vigilant and proactive. The GUS report serves as a wake-up call, urging companies to reassess their production strategies, adapt to changing market dynamics, and explore innovative solutions to revitalise the sector.

More information:
Główny Urząd Statystyczny

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