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Warsaw Enterprise Institute's insights on Ukrainian investment landscape

The Warsaw Enterprise Institute released a detailed report on the economic and investment landscape in western Ukraine, aiming to assist Polish entrepreneurs eyeing business ventures in the region.

Photo © Sjankauskas |

Despite the war, Ukraine remains stable and evolving, with its western areas catching the attention of Polish investors due to better safety conditions, economic advantages, and close proximity to Poland.

The report offers an extensive analysis of the economic conditions in various regions of Western Ukraine. It delves into institutional readiness for collaboration with Polish partners, providing valuable insight into local ties, investment directions, and previous collaborative efforts.

For Polish entrepreneurs venturing into the Ukrainian market, this report serves as a crucial tool. It includes references to significant economic plans and local business support contacts, aiding informed decision-making.

The potential for Polish engagement in Western Ukraine spans two levels: simpler, immediate collaborations and more complex, long-term business endeavours. The former requires no significant preparation, while the latter demands careful consideration due to varied challenges and opportunities across industries like woodworking and food processing.

Despite challenges in trade, logistics, and border operations, investment prospects in Western Ukraine look promising, especially amid evolving geopolitical scenarios.


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