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The state of the furniture industry in Ukraine during the war

The State Statistics Service of Ukraine counts 7,329 enterprises and entrepreneurs in the furniture industry of Ukraine at the end of 2022. Among them, 85.1% are individual entrepreneurs, and accordingly, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. This can be read at The Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers.

According to surveys conducted by the Ukrainian Association of Furniture Manufacturers, as a result of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, about 5% of furniture enterprises were completely destroyed. According to the same State Statistics Committee, for 2022 the number of registered enterprises and entrepreneurs with NACE code 31 “furniture production” decreased by 12.9%, i.e. 1/8th of the industry ceased operations.

At the same time, according to the State Statistics Committee, the amount of capital investments for 2022 was 32.8 million USD, of which more than 60% was invested in equipment and facilities and more than 30% in construction. In total, for the period from 2012 to 2022, furniture makers invested 418.7 million USD. During the same period, woodworking enterprises invested 1.9 billion US dollars, of which 212 million US dollars fall on 2022. The specific weight of capital investments of the woodworking and furniture industries in the total amount of capital investments in Ukraine was 2.26%. It is worth noting that the stimulation became possible thanks to grant programs from the government of Ukraine, USAID, GIZ and other partners.

Since individual entrepreneurs on the simplified taxation system do not submit financial statements, and more than 85% of them in the industry, it can be imagined that the real amount of investment in production is much higher than can be seen in the data of the State Committee of Statistics.

Domestic Market
Before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, experts estimated the volume of the domestic furniture market at 1-1.2 billion US dollars.

As of today, such retailers as Epicenter, Jysk, claim that they reached the pre-war level in certain months or have already exceeded it, at least in hryvnia equivalent. The drop in the market by 20-35% coincides with the opinion of suppliers of raw materials (chipboard, PPU). So, according to different opinions, the domestic furniture market in 2023 is estimated at the level of 700-800 million dollars USA.

According to the estimate of the co-founder of, the share of online sales of furniture is about 12-15%. And although the decline in 2023 has reduced to -10-20% from 2021, competition on the Internet has increased.

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