Currently showing at the graduation show, part of Dutch Design Week 2023, is design student Willem Zwiers's work. His collection, aptly titled "Transformed Remnants", features a side table, a desk lamp, and a unique bookshelf made from a selection of reclaimed books, including various Bibles and self-help literature. 'The products created, are the remnants of someone’s knowledge', says Zwiers on social media.
For his graduation at Design Academy Eindhoven, Zwiers made a collection of sculptural objects from repurposed discarded products. 'The book material is made by soaking slices into a mixture of water and wood glue. This combination saturates the book fibers. Strongly clamped together, the books solidify into a singular material which is then sanded to reveal the captivating shapes. It looks like natural stone with an organic relief.'
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Willem Zwiers